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UFO Report from Delaware, Ohio

Report: 1348

February 28, 2023

I am a student at Ohio Wesleyan University. At around 8:00PM EST. Night is clear, not a single cloud. Was walking to the university dining hall and decided to stop and look up at the night since Ohio rarely has clear nights like this. Watching the lights of three 737s in the distance and I see the silhouette of a dark triangle pass over me, above the residential halls and going east. Solid black shape with three white-yellow lights at each tip of the triangle. Not zooming but still moving at a fairly high speed. No sense of scale but it seemed fairly large and didn’t seem to pass super high over the buildings. Made absolutely no noise.


Poster of this report here. I’d like to elaborate on a few details I didn’t mention at the time because I was still in a state of excitement
1: It was a quiet night, and other than a few distant cars there were no noises that would’ve drowned out the sound. There’s enough air traffic in the area that I’ve seen to where if it was an aircraft it would’ve made a sound. This made no sound as it passed over. I know drones make a hell of a lot noise too.
2: I’m an aviation enthusiast and I know my aircraft. That was not a commercial jet or a private aircraft. That thing was a straight triangle and the lights were solid in color and did not blink. No red or green navigation lights characteristic on aircraft.
3: I’m a science major and I rarely find myself at a loss for words, or lack an explanation for something. I have no explanation
4: I checked flightradar to see if any traffic had passed over. There was nothing, only the 737s to the west that I had been watching.
5: This thing moved way too… smoothly if that makes any sense. It’s like there was no air resistance. Object moved in a horizontal plane and seemed to curve slightly northeast. Normally aircraft seem to shake or wobble as they fly… the smoothness this thing moved at was unnatural. It was also a bit windy, so that smooth flight doesn’t make sense
6: I apologize that I can’t determine the size. I couldn’t get a sense of scale since it was dark. It wasn’t giant, but it wasn’t small either. Maybe the size of a small commercial airliner like an A319 or something. As for the speed and altitude, maybe 5000 feet and around 100-130mph. I only saw it for about three seconds, but it seemed to be moving at around the same speeds you’d see expect a large commercial airliner to be moving when taking off or landing. Too fast for a balloon

That’s all. I sat for about an hour trying to rationalize what I saw but I can’t. I have no idea what the hell that was.
Wanted to make a comment on your sighting, this sounds very similar to what I witnessed/saw last night (10/05/24). Standing out on my back patio watering trees, around 9:35 pm, A object/craft that seem to move through the night sky effortlessly, triangular in shape i could make at as it went nearly overtop of my neighbors house facing north, the object itself appeared to be emitting no light itself, almost cloaked liked, that had a fuzzy almost reddish orangish glow to it, like it was picking up just enough ground light from the city and street lights you could see it. We live in a suburb just west of Delaware city and your college up 36, this thing appear to come from that direction initially looked like a fuzzy ball and was brighter (perhaps pick up the city lights). This when i first picked it looking east actually a a real plane that was just over my neighbors house but look to be a lot higher in altitude than the object, and little more south. The object appeared to go right over my neighbors house just north or me at a rate of speed I've never seen before in anything. I made a report just like you, keep going over what i saw, of what i could of been, last night was clear as bell, i thought maybe some weird reflection on a cloud, but there were no clouds and this thing looked like a triangular craft moving effortlessly across the night sky, no sound. i was completely shaken after the whole thing, still now. Keep asking my wife is she think's I'm crazy. I have a telescope, live on a farm, spent hundreds of hours looking at the night sky, seen some what was that things, but nothing ever like this, and nothing that ever gave me this type of feeling. Just wanted to say thanks for the report now I don't feel like the only one.

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