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UFO Report from Asheville , North Carolina

Report: 1494

February 28, 2023

Both of the crafts were completely still, hovering in the sky, no movement what so ever. No sound either. And I have a video I will be sending with this information. Weird thing is that the UFOs we witnessed to our eyes the crafts both had 3 or 4 different colored lights that were either blinking and or blinking while rotating around or at the center of the these crafts. However as u can see on the video they appear to be only having white lights on the crafts or they themselves are emitting, or glowing, white light only. The colored lights both my friend and myself witnessed on these crafts that were appearing on them the entire time we were watching them were green, blue, red and possibly white or yellow but so dim from my angle I couldn't make out te color of the 4th lighter it was just cause the lights were blinking all around the craft so from my point of view I could have just been seeing the nextklspace in the light sequence on the ship but only a partial view of that next sequence. Also, strangely enough, I remember video taping a bit more than 1 minute and 33 seconds of video. We watched these hovering perfectly still for about 15 minutes or so. I believe the first 5 minutes we were outside I didn't have my phone. Then I ran inside grabbed my phone and started recording and did so for at least 5 minutes or more. But some reason the video shows otherwise. I'm not an exaggerating type of person and I've always been good with judging time frames and distances also. I'm a realist and have always had an investigative type mind set and personality. So giving a statement while exaggerating is not in my style. So if u have any questions please call me or email me.


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