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Close Encounter with Bright UFO - Napoli, New York

Report: 1641

August 13, 2015

3 of us were sitting on the open deck of my friends cabin around midnight . Suddenly Danny said what is that and pointed south. (This cabin is sourronded by tall trees) I turned my head to the left and the woods were lit up from above with extremely bright pure white light from a slow moving object that was just huge in size. This object moved right above us and completely lit up the entire area.. the shadows from the trees Were moving all around us as the object moved slowly overhead and north. There was complete silence the entire time and no wind or tree rustling was happening at all. The light appeared to be about 100 feet above the tree tops. It is so vivid to this day to see the dancing leaf shadows all around us. The light slowly moved north and disappeared.. roughly 2 minutes later 2 very low flying and slow moving jets flew right over us heading north. All 3 of us were basically in shock and didn't speak much. I don't know if we lost time or what happened. To this day we don't know the date or even year this occurred. It was summer and roughly 6,7,8 years ago.


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