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50ft Wide Circular Object with Amber Lights. - Ashland, Kentucky

Report: 1666

September 30, 2023

My wife and I went for a ride and get some dinner then some ice cream during the evening. The road goes by Summit Prison in Boyd County. While driving towards the prison my wife states that people had been dropping drugs into the prison by using drones. So naturally while we get closer I’m looking up in the sky which I normally don’t do. I then see this odd lights above the tree line. I’m thinking Oh my it’s a drone!…then I’m thinking maybe it’s the top of a tower…but then notice it moving slowly. Then I realize it can’t be a drone because of its size. I would figure it was around 50 foot wide. It was circular in shape and moving very slowly over the road and straight my vehicle. I’m yelling to my wife what is that..look at it. She couldn’t see it from her angle from sitting in the passenger side. It’s above me and to the left of my vehicle…I’m slowing down and looking out the window..she starts yelling at me to get my head back in the truck there’s a state trooper parked up ahead. He’s gonna pull you over… so I did as told but kept looking back…it was slowly moving over the prison…as I got close to where the state trooper was parked…as I pass he is leaning in his windshield and looking up in the sky! I know he seen what I seen… I could tell it was circular in shape.. it had two orange lights on what I call the front and one on each side and one on the rear. When I say orange it’s more like dim headlights on an old car… there are no colored marker lights or a spotlight like a helicopter would have. And I originally rolled my window down to get a better look and see if I could hear anything… but no noise. Super quiet. I have been racking my brain for 3 days about what I seen trying to make sense of it. I went to look for any reports posted from anyone else. Nothing. So I wanted to have this recorded before I lose any details of what happened and what I seen. Hope someone finds this and helps verify what they may have seen.


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