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UFO Report from Manhattan, New York

Report: 176

June 1, 1972

On or around before winter time in the year of 1972 or 1973 recalling at the time I must have been about 7 or 8 years old. at the time I lived in the building called the projects on 122nd Street and 2nd Avenue and I remember being at night time and it wasn't winter cuz it wasn't cold decided to walk towards the window to look out I had to roll the window I had to handle to open it and out of nowhere came this big round dark gray but more black this metal round object with lights flashing and turning like really fast spinning spinning spinning spinning spinning and you would see the red and you would see the green and you would see the blue and I thought to myself oh my God and I called my little brother Eric Eric it's a UFO and he looked in an amazement in shock and as soon as I said it's a UFO it just disappeared and I look and I look and nothing it's gone it's like if it vanished into thin Air never told anyone because of course everyone thinks you're crazy or you're hallucinating or you're a kid and you're an imaginating it but no I had a pretty good sense of self-awareness when I was young and I definitely saw the UFO so this is one for the records because it was in Manhattan New York and I have my my brother as a witness he was only a year younger than me. Thank you for your time Ingrid Roman.


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