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UFO Report from Kensington, California

Report: 2029

December 9, 2009

My daughter and I were driving for her softball team sleepover on dec 9 2009 556 pm rainy windy in Kensington California . As I was coming around a s like turn I saw what I thought was a helicopter and then I said what kinda Heli what the f is that .
It was just above a two story house next to a window a solid beam of light going to the ground . As I stoped it cut the light out eminating from te middle of the craft .
It then started moving towards us as slow as a snail . After maybe two minutes it came right up next to my truck stopped suspended in the air . No seams no intake outtake no rivots no noise . Cockpit was a hexagonal sphere with 5 triangle windows 3 down 2 up . It
Was 15 feet off the ground . Cockpit had red light that cut off when I exited my truck . Picture a hexagonal cockpit with a 20 foot long neck attached to a small cube attached to a larger cube with each wing attached to each half of each cube .attached to the larger cube was a shoebox rextangular
Shaped tail . The wings had a 16 to 20 inch eagle like front coming together like an airplane wing . It
Was the most perfect engineering feat I have ever seen at the same time it looked vicious . After a couple of minutes it
Started to rotate counter clockwise and took about
Two minutes to complete its rotation . In the process I noticed that the distance from wingtip to wingtip was the distance of wingtip to front of cockpit so it was in perfect radius . It’s more to the story maybe you can call me to talk about it . I was shocked excited and I felt very lucky to have seen it. My daughter was only 8 at the time and she got scared . My dad and uncle both pilots in the Air Force . My uncle capt Walter L Bauerle air medal recipient . I went home called mufon they took a week to call back . They. Have a file on my sighting .i would love to share more with you and actually have one if your artists draw it to scale . It blew my mind . Please get back to me that is like half the story . Thank you


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