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UFO Report from Claymont, Delaware

Report: 2039

August 15, 1973

Went to JC Penney with my father and younger brother it was in Governor prince boulevard I was 9 brother 7 my dad wanted to get film for his Polaroid camera we all went inside my dad being very strict British man did not like us talking at the counter while he was doing business and we were sent out to the car to wait which we did while sitting in car waiting we saw a object come over shops into our view with beautiful lights seemed to be glowing against the dark sky it was about dusk to dark 7 pm I guess I was in front seat of the car and it came closer only about 300 feet above the shops but came over towards us it was crazy I was young and all I could think of was the Delaware jacees were putting on some kind of show for me and my brother it got to about 2 car lengths to the left of our car and now was only about 80 feet above the ground i said to my brother what i. That and got out of the car it was so close to us but completely silent I was not afraid as I thought it was being done by my dad and Jaycees the stared at it I. Awe because the lights were so pretty I felt no fear it stayed there for a good 5 or six min like it was putting on a light show hovering silently besides a few vacuum sounds is how I can describe it it was about 20 feet in diameter and 40 circumference and the lights seemed to be going around the middle bottom part like all red lights then all the orange then all the blue giving the illusion of rotating being so close it appeared to be made of a pearlescent metal you could not see inside looked like metal with tiny holes so they could see out maybe but we could not see in I had no fear just thought it was beautiful, as my father got ready to come out of the store it had taken off at a extremely high speed and reached way up in the sky very fast seconds we started yelling follow that thing by then it was not. Visible to him he states that he heard a very loud boom like a car backfiring when he exited the store when we got home my father being a artist had us both draw what we saw in separate room both drawings were almost identical the next day In The newspaper it said strange lights seen over Delaware bay which was on the other side of the shopping center this is very close to the old Dupont company on Gov. Prince boulevard Delaware by claymont we my family and I spoke of it sometimes but through those years people would not believe it so we kept it to ourselves mostly my brother went on to be retired from the Air force and once I tried to speak to him about it over the computer but he was afraid to speak on there because of his job only In person would be talk of it my father has the drawings and the newspaper article about strange light seen above bay but it wasnt over the bay it was in shopping center about 400 ft from the bay yes 51 years but needed to tell someone as i am 63 now never again did i ever see anything like it since but moved to Dover area near the airbase but wished i could see it again i felt no fear like they were deliberately entertaining us so we wouldn't be afraid back in 73 we did not have the technology to hover in place for a good 5 minutes completely silent still cant and go so fast with a sonic boom sound thought it was time to leave this information.


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