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UFO Report from malone, New York

Report: 209

January 4, 2019

On Jan 4th 2019, I remember the exact date at about 6:00pm eastern, I was in Upstate Correctional Facility in North country Ny. I was in solitary confinement with a bunky when our rec pens attached to our cells popped for rec. it was already dark at this time as in the winter it always gets dark early up here. Me and about 80-100 other inmates saw a craft in the sky that quickly became the topic of discussion. At first we all waved it off to be new tech drones or something. Mind you we are in North Country where NY connects to Canada, I can see Montreal from my cell. So maybe border control drones. Is was weirdly circular like the average ufo ? depiction. We all noticed that lights kept flashing in a circular quick motion around the rim and with every motion the light became a different color. Then as I suspected it to be a ufo another one appeared! Doing the same exact thing but higher and to the right! Then after about 5 mins another appeared! Then the highest one which was the second to appear literally just took off faster then my eyes can register. Then we all got rowdy and conspiracy theories started flowing with our human already rapidly thinking brains as we are incarcerated men. The other two UFOs literally stayed there for the remainder of our rec period. When we locked back in they appeared to have left about 15 mins later but I did not see the other two leave. I also noticed later that night the C.O was recounting the sighting to the nightshift C.O. That came in. Very strange twilight zone feel to the whole memory.


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