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UFO Report from Las Vegas, Nevada

Report: 591

December 22, 2022

It was late, And being in Vegas everyone was having a good time but one of the clubowners came up to a waitress and said there’s a UFO above sapphires Gentlemens club, And it’s huge. We were only a block or two away, So we decided to go and when we got outside we noticed a really odd cloud it looked like a cloud that was just painted into the sky the cloud did not move at all. There was this large triangle but it was sharp like a ninja star. In the middle of this triangle was a red light that was glowing. There were white lights rectangle around it. The sky spotlights From the sapphire club Would rotate and a part of it would reflect back. It was still it stayed in the sky, The clouds and the UFO did not move, The white rectangular llights faded but the red metal did not. It was like the clouds would get lighter and darker around it, The UFO itself was As large as a eight story skyscraper. The clouds were very much a part of it.


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