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UFO Report from Anniston , Alabama

Report: 625

December 29, 2022

I was in my bed and I looked out my window and saw a bright what looked like a bright star seemingly getting closer. I did not think anything of it. I’m watching the tv before going to sleep and it starts to look like the sun shined through my whole house like everything outside was just so bright around me and I did not hear anything so I did not know what it was. I get up and walk around to the window and this light looks really far away and it’s 11 or 12 at night at the time but this light is beaming right into my bedroom. Brighter than my room light. I didn’t hear nothing like a helicopter or plane. So I go outside in the cold to try and see what I can hear and/or see. I go outside. And I swear this light shrinks then Disappears and right this second as I’m typing this my heart is kinda beating harder just thinking about what I saw. It felt like a dream almost when I saw this. But I know what I saw. And I was about to call the police. But I saw what I can only describe as like. This might sound crazy. But it looked like it went invisible or camouflaged with the sky and I could then see a big force field or energy flat sphere or something like that like it was invisible but if u look hard u could see something was still there and it took off so fast I bout passed out when I saw it. Eyes reared up a bit. I never saw anything like that before. I don’t know if I should still do a police report but I did some search and everything on the internet was coming up ufo. So I looked up where I can report what I saw. Thus leading me to this sight


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