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UFO Report from Warrensville Heights, Ohio

Report: 712

August 20, 2016

My grandson and son were throwing a hula hoop up in the air. My son said mom go get your binoculars. When I looked up through the binoculars, I saw a round craft with a silver round window in the front and with a red stripe on the bottom. Not from it was a mechanical looking bird flying that was white with a red stripe on the bottom. The mechanical bird flew into a regular bird. When I passed the binoculars to my son and looked up with naked eyes I noticed six crafts in the sky. They were spaced apart by two's. They moved in two ways only next to each other horizontally then one above the other one, then back horizontally next two each other. Then my son pointed in the direction of my back yard and I saw two small circles above the tree that resembled dandelions in the stage when they are white and we picked them and blew them away as children. I posted it on Facebook asking did anyone see anything strange in the sky. Well all I got was the sun. I did not stay home to watch. My family left for my husband's company annual picnic. I have been wanting to report this for some time.


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