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UFO Report from San Luis, Colorado

Report: 758

December 9, 2013

While living off the land in San Luis, Colorado at approximately 11 pm, Colorado, my dog alerted me to look outside to observe a solid white ball or orb approximately 2000 feet above me my head looking at a 45 degree angle. Apparently my dog could hear it coming 7 seconds before I could see it, but not hear it. There was no afterburners or sound. The orb traveled from my location toward and past Mount Blanca that sat north of Fort Garland, Colorado. Mount Blanca was approximately 30 miles due North of me. The orb covered that distance in 2 seconds if not less. The size of the orb was about 60 feet in circumference if I had to guess, but it was just like a large cotton ball. About 12 days after the incident, I started to explain the strange incident to a couple of neighbors. When I got to the part about my dog's alerting me to look outside my structure they stopped me in mid story to ask if it was a white ball of light. I acknowledged yes and they said their dog reacted the same way. It would not be until 2016 the US Govt acknowledged the same sightings. I wonder if they are aware animals can sense the UFOs in transient? Then Christmas Eve 2013 approximately 13 days later at approximately 7 pm, while on the phone with my brother I observed on the earth's outer atmosphere what I thought was a shooting star at first (obviously a meteor glancing the atmosphere) but then the object made a major change in direction as if a backwards cursive #7. So it moved south to north then abruptly switched back south briefly and curved eastward before disappearing making a backward cursive numerical 7. If I had to toss out a distance on the outer edge of our planet this object traveled in 2 seconds I would guess 2,000 miles but its not accurate. A friend suggested years latter who worked in the aviation industry that perhaps one explanation could be that two objects had a near collision and averted disaster to explain one object pulling out of our atmosphere and another having to dive briefly into our atmosphere to avoid collision before pulling back out of our atmosphere.


Thanks for your report. Many UFO witnesses have stated that everything in nature goes silent when these craft are near. It could be that animals and insects are sensing a change in the atmosphere that we as humans cannot detect.

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