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UFO Report from Goshen Massachusetts , Massachusetts

Report: 763

September 15, 1988

In Goshen Mass in 88. Woke up in the middle of the night to beings in the bedroom. My girlfriend, a painter, had told me that she’d seen lights over the lake right outside her door. But these beings were right beside the bed. I looked toward the lake to see many other beings outside. The one closest to me seemed very interested in the waterbed. I pretended to be asleep in order to observe them, but when my girlfriend moved they vanished. They do not have arms and legs as depicted. That’s ridiculous. They were in the shape of a cylinder, with a core of light down the middle, like a light chamber which had something to do with energy and communication. If you want to see what they looked like go to the painter’s web site. She painted them for years afterwards. She’s not mad, but a highly respected artist. The weird part of this story is that we were having sex before we fell asleep and woke to see them there.


Hey where’s the images she painted?

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