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UFO Report from WESTMORELAND, New York

Report: 989

October 24, 2020

Finished a hunting trip with my friends dan at Plainfield state forest , about 20 minutes after last light was we were driving down a dirt road out going south west. I had to urinate, I pulled over in my truck and jumped out to pee quick . It was a clear night, while I was peeing I noticed a light moving . As it caught my attention and I looked closer I noticed three lights in the shape of a triangle. At that point I could make out the outline shape of the large triangular craft. It was very big, estimating it was maybe 1/4 mile away it looked the size of a football field, black , no noise and was not moving . I called to my friend dan to come look. At first he assumed as I did it was airplane lights , but once he seen the size , shape and the fact it was not moving he became very panicked and fearful . We watched the craft and it started moving vertically up at a slow pace then continued southwest and after about 1 minute seemed to disappear. Dan was in denial for a few days so I seconded guessed what I had seen . After a few days we both agreed in no way it could have been an airplane . That night I will never forgot and think about it every time I enter the woods . It’s been a few years and still trying to figure it out after watching the documentary “ missing 411” as another hunter described exactly the same type of craft I seen I decided to report my event here .


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