Report: 1400
August 1, 2014
While working on duty as a Military Police Officer, I noticed a triangle shaped UFO flying over the Fort Riley Training Area.
While working as a Military Police Officer on night patrol. I was driving my patrol car east on McCormick Blvd heading to historical main post in Fort Riley, Kansas. As I was driving by the baseball fields on my left hand side, I could see a big, triangle object in the sky. I was driving at speeds of approximately 25mph and noticed no clouds in the sky throughout the night. The stars were very bright and easy to see even inside the vehicle. This triangle shape craft was approximately 1/3 mile wide, by 3/4 miles long in size. The craft was heading North East in direction while I was heading straight east. I pulled over in the McCormick Park parking lot where I got out of the patrol vehicle and saw the back half of the craft flying very slowly over the hills just to the North of the park. I went to call up to the dispatch office of any aircraft training tonight. I quickly regressed due to possible ridicule from other officers. I drove to the air field just out! side of historical main post to see if any training flights were being conducted. The entire airfield was closed with no activity of aircraft missions being conducted. I have only told my wife and my father this story. Since I am now out of the Army, I figured now is the time to say something. This object couldn't have been human made. It was completely dark with no visible lights. I could see the shape and movement based on the craft blocking out the stars. I'm still not sure what I saw. But to this day I'm terrified of its size and how low it was to the ground. No noise was recognized from the craft during this incident.