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Multiple White Orbs Traveling in Formation - Laguardo, Tennessee

Report: 1779

March 10, 2024

I was headed north on Route 109. I had passed Laguardo, TN and was headed to Gallatin, TN. At 11:40 I noticed what I initially thought was a flock of birds high in the sky. As I attempted to identify what type of bird they were, they seemed to have disappeared. I looked again and there they were. It got me curious enough to pull over to take a better look. They appeared to be stationary just a bit left of the highway and high in the sky. I couldn't tell exactly what it was but there were quite a few of them. Maybe around 20 altogether. They were either white or silver and where possibly in the shape of orbs. While remaining stationary in the sky, they did sort of move positions in the large cluster. Because of this, I really didn't think they could be drones. The close proximity to each other and the way they crossed paths, would have surely caused drone equipment to collide.

There wasn't a cloud in the sky yet they would all simultaneously disappear and then reappear. This happened several times. There was no sound. I took several pictures but only a couple showed the objects. Unfortunately the pictures really don't answer any of my questions either. Maybe someone else knows what it is. I had to be to Gallatin to meet someone at noon, so I couldn't stick around longer. But they were still there when I left.


more visitor observation craft. they are keeping an eye (eyes) on us and our activities. why?? who knows.
Thank you for your report. We also received a report from Arizona, possibly the same objects: https://www.ufoindex.com/report?report=1792


i have see and recorded the exact same objects around the same time in northern California.

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