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UFO Report from Orlando, Florida

Report: 2023

November 7, 1998

I am fairly sure this is the correct date. If not, it was Nov 5 or 12 of 99. I'd be a lot more sure, but my notes burned in a housefire.

Location: 1211 Hillcrest Ave, Orlando FL 32803.

My coven were gathering for Samhain ritual. It was a Saturday night, from what I recall. (Yes, we are/were Wiccan/Pagan, one of the reasons I've been hesitant to report till now. (Since obviously, we're already KOOKS?) There were approximately 4-5 of us there. Our HP was in the store at the above location, doing a pre-wedding consultation with a couple who were soon to be married. The rest of us waited in the parking lot for it to be over and him to join us. The shop closed at 6pm. Our sighting happened between then and about 8pm-ish when Jack, the owner of (at the time) Herne's Hollow joined us.

As we waited in the parking lot we saw a large object pass from east to west. It was ovoid in shape, longer than it was tall. It burned with a green/orange flame that seemed to envelop the entire body of the UFO. It seemed to have different levels of "buildings" on it. Somewhat like the Death Star is portrayed in Star Wars.

At first we thought it might be a meteor, but after about 5? minutes of observing it (so it must have been traveling rather slow) it made a 90 degree turn and left our field of vision. Meteors IMHO don't make 90 degree turns.

A (news/traffic?) helicopter flew in front of it and the object appeared to be about 5 times taller than the heli. Of course I couldn't really gauge the distance that this thing was away from us.

I got a "psychic" vibe that the "people" on the craft were "sad" about something. Either they were in some sort of danger or perceived that we were? Don't know.


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