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UFO Report from Pittsburg, Texas

Report: 338

September 17, 2022

I was sitting in my yard with my neighbor and my husband and her husband and another neighbor we were at the picnic table by the pond they were over by the truck and the driveway and me and my neighbor looked up and there was a UFO with about 8 to 10 lights in the center of it and one on each end pretty far away from the center but equally spaced on the front and the back. My neighbor used to work for DARPA and he came over after his wife and I yelled at them to look in the sky and they begin looking and comparing but how big they thought it was and they assumed somewhere between 1 to 2 miles long and about 25 to 30 miles away. There was no noise if flew across my pond up to my trailer that is for company and then took a sharp left and disappeared. And it definitely was not anything that I'd ever seen or the we have knowledge of the government has. It was about 10 pm. This UFO was larger than any aircraft I ever seen.


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