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UFO Report from Naples, Florida

Report: 702

October 8, 2022

My son saw fast moving lights in a formation making no noise and traveling horizon to horizon in about 10 seconds. Around 3 AM and 7 or 8 nights in a row after Hurricane Ian. I was in vacation in Montana and heard him talk about it and he finally got them on video on his iPhone 13. I flew home on October 8th and saw them too. We are both commercial pilots. I fly for American Airlines. They were not drones or satellites. Very dim lights - about as dim as stars. High altitude. Sometimes a white color and often orange or reddish. Formations would remain firm or suddenly change during flight. We would say they were about 5,000 to 20,000 feet, but could very well have been higher. One night my son Chase said there was a 20,000 foot overcast according to the weather report in Naples, FL and they were below that. They would come in 10 minute to 4 hour intervals. It's not necessarily extraterrestrial, but we can't imagine anything going that fast with no sonic boom or noise. They were definitely making their own light. Not a reflection or beams of light from the ground. Most nights there were clear skies.


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