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UFO Report from Waco, Texas

Report: 754

November 30, 1974

It was mid 1975 in Waco Texas. My husband worked in Houston so I was alone except for the kids. About midnight every dog in the neighborhood started barking and howling. I couldn’t get back to sleep when my little poodle started growling so I got up and went outside. We lived on the edge of Waco with a dead end street and no street lights or commercial buildings. It was pitch dark! I walked around the back of the house and could see a blue glow coming from the corner of the house. What the heck? A few more steps and I saw it. It was a round or oval shape about 8 feet diameter, no doors or windows.. It was a beautiful blue and glowed. Like is common now in electronics. I stared at it for 5 or 6 seconds then it shot straight up and disappeared. I went in the house to bed and back to sleep. Oh, it wasn’t on the ground but about 2 foot above. No sound. I had not been drinking or doing drugs. There’s one thing thats been bothering me. I remember CALMLY going back to bed. No hysterics. After seeing so many abductions lately this seems strange.I only told my husband and a few close friends but learned to keep quiet. I’m elderly and decided to file this as my days are running out.


Thank you for documenting your encounter. A feeling of unnatural calmness is frequently reported with UFO witnesses and abductees. Whether this is mind control, or the brains inability to attach emotion to such strange events, I'm not really sure. It could be a bit of both I suppose.

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