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UFO Report from Yonkers, New Jersey

Report: 777

December 27, 2022

I’m a truck driver and I stopped for the night , I couldn’t find any area to park my semi so I ended up sleeping behind a Walmart . I was the only one there . I close my curtains when I sleep so no one can peek . It was around 1:20 A.M and I was playing my game on my bed and I hear a knock on my sleeper (from the outside) .. I ignore the knock thinking it was just a homeless person or prostitute … about 3 min pass and I hear the same knock … it was kind of a beat .. my company doesn’t allow me to carry firearms so I grab my pepper spray… I had no choice but to open my curtain too see who it is , theirs times Walmart employees knock on my door to tell me to leave but it was past 1 A.M so I highly doubted it was an employee, again I had no choice but to look because it could be a tow truck getting ready to tow my semi . But I did not hear any words ? . I paused my game to see if I could hear any footsteps or words but nothing, I had my APU running so my truck was making buzzing noise (an APU is a built in air conditioner and heater that helps me save fuel) . It was quiet for about 3 min so I slowly opened my driver side curtain and I noticed a really small person with really skinny legs and arms standing on my driver side step , the eyelids were half way closed and it had a oval head . The 4 head was bigger than the chin . It was about 3 feet tall . It was hairless with no clothes or shoes . I could notice wrinkles all over the body . The color looked dark grey / Kinda purplish. Yes it was a really small person just standing on my step looking at my door . I immediately honked my semi horn and it just stood their with no reaction. I turned my truck on and started building up air pressure so I could take off . I opened my curtains and it was still their just standing… I blew my city horn and it slowly tilted its head … I went to my sleeper to grab my pepper spray then I went back to the driver side to look at the thing and it was walking away to the back of my trailer… I drive a 53’ trailer and I was just watching it in my mirror slowly walking to the back of my trailer … their was nothing back their .. just a fence .. it took small steps and it was walking slowly …. I build enough air presses and took off to the closes truck stop … I received a violation because I’m not allowed to drive without being stoped for atleast 10 hours . I called my company and told them everything…. They didn’t believe me of course and told me it was my own fault for parking in a dark area that’s alone .. they always tell us to park in a well populated well lit area . I told all my trucking buddies and they just tell me it was probably a possum or raccoon? A possum can’t walk ? And a raccoon can’t stand on my steps . This thing was hairless . It had black eyes … it had fingers and toes … this is what I say and I don’t know what to think about life anymore. I’m 23 and been trucking for 8 months. I just need to stay out of New Jersey.


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