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UFO Report from Houston, Texas

Report: 949

October 19, 2022

I am not positive about the date. I really struggled to share this event. I was getting off of work and i locked the doors and sat the trash in front of the door and I went to put my purse and cell in the car. I grabbed the trash and went around the side of the building and when I got to the side of the building this craft just appeared out of no where. I felt like it was waiting for me to come around that building, I don’t know what it was. It was literally only a few inches above the height of the building. I don’t even know what to say the color was but it hovered and I could not feel any heat nor wind from this craft. It was shaped kind of round in the front but what looked like the front of the craft was dark and and you could not see through the window or glass (not sure what to call it) and I could not see anything or anyone. It look like a bluish like transparent color. It had two round lights that were like spot lights or something and it was like it appeared out of no where. But what didn’t make any sense was how low it was and the poles near our building and the wiring from our building. It’s right there by a 4 way light, this is a busy area and I don’t know how no one else saw it. I’m pretty sure there are cameras there and should have been captured on it. But all I felt like was I did something wrong or said something I wasn’t supposed to have said. The feeling of guilt and or like I shouldn’t have done something made me feel overwhelmed. I had never been so startled or afraid in my life. I kind of don’t even remember how it left, I do think it just disappeared just the way it appeared out of no where. I just remember going to my car sitting in it in shock of what I just saw. I have NEVER believed in ufo of any kind. This happened on the corner of Antoine and victory in Houston.


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