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Alaska UFO Reports

UFO Report #: 1929
June 17, 2024 - Anchorage, Alaska

June 17th 2024 , Monday, between the hours of 1-4am. A light in the sky caught my eye. It was a simple white light seemed nothing more than a plane at first. I proceeded to watch it as I sat next to the fire in my backyard, Anchorage. As I watched it many things came to mind which I then asked the 4 other people around me if they were seeing what I was seeing. It looked almost like a fogged out plane in some clouds but the sky was clear on this early morning. As we watched , it slowly disappeared into the sky until there was nothing more to see of it. We all continued to watch the sky and a single light popped up in the exact spot that I first noticed the light. No other lights around , we couldn’t see any other stars. Just the single light that popped up after the event we all witnessed. View Report

Bizarre Lights in the Sky
March 31, 2024 - Wasilla, Alaska

I have observed bizarre lights in the sky, over Wasilla, Alaska, for approximately four weeks. The lights may appear to be unusually bright stars if one briefly glances at the night sky. However, the lights are not singular,they all have the same luminosity/color/configuration. Furthermore, they maneuver in rapid circles, S-curves, zig-zag patterns, and hover. Extraordinarily, when they perform a zig-zag maneuver they appear to blur, and move in every direction (it is disorienting to watch) before traveling on a particular path (almost like superposition). I served as an EW in an aircraft carrier battlegroup, so I have seen a lot of air platforms at night. Nothing I have ever seen looked like this. Additionally, I am educated, and familiar with astronomical objects, as well as average space platforms (satellites, the ISS, etc). Another person witnessed these, also. Last night, I counted eight of them, surrounding the area I live in, all performing impossible maneuvers. View Report

UFO Report #: 1248
February 20, 2023 - Anchorage, Alaska

I live in anchorage Ak. This was over the south side. I have 20/20 vision and have this on camera but at night and with my iPhone. But you can see the light and the circle ufo over the house but not detailed like you would see in person. I saw a bright orange/red light that coned down, little bigger then what a jet looks like flying. It stayed there for a few seconds and then started to move towards three stars. It began to turn around this orange/red cone of light and then turned into a white light. The light turned off but you were able to see the ufo still moving towards the top of my neighborhood. As it went over the neighborhood I seen from light pollution this ufo was a circle with many different circle and square hatches of some kind. Strait up star wars hatch style. I still can’t believe what I saw. Ran outside and lost it but seen another set of the red/orange lights but super far away. Like something definitely going on up there. View Report

UFO Report #: 1085
February 9, 2023 - Wasilla, Alaska

Every night the skies are clear at AARS Nugen's Ranch I see two UFO's blinking red. It makes no sound. One is orange that hovers right above the facility and the other is blue that hangs to the right of the facility. They both seem to blink red. The red lights seem to move up and down they are here every night the skies are clear. View Report

UFO Report #: 884
January 22, 2023 - Fort yukon, Alaska

Looked out my window and noticed a bright star or orb looking figure moving around in the sky, it looked like it was getting blown around or something this was at 4:30 am I finally stopped watching it around 540 am still doing same thing. Not sure what it was first time seeing anything like it. Got couple videos of it not the best but it shows it moving in sky. View Report

UFO Report #: 848
January 18, 2023 - Glennallen, Alaska

In Glennallen Alaska at 6:45am I witnessed an extremely bright white ball of light in the sky flying south to north as I looked out my window to the east. It was over in a span of 3 seconds. The light faded into nothing. The light shrunk as it moved north and disappeared into nothing. If you held a pencil at arms length the eraser would be about the size of the light when I first seen it at its brightest. It was at least 10x brighter and larger than any star in the sky. It moved way to fast for a satellite and too slow for a meteor. It flew between Glennallen and Mt. St. Elias National Park parallel to the Copper River. View Report

UFO Report #: 874
January 18, 2023 - Glennallen, Alaska

In Glennallen Alaska at 6:45am I witnessed an extremely bright white ball of light in the sky flying south to north as I looked out my window to the east. It was over in a span of 3 seconds. The light faded into nothing. The light shrunk as it moved north and disappeared into nothing. If you held a pencil at arms length the eraser would be about the size of the light when I first seen it at its brightest. It was at least 10x brighter and larger than any star in the sky. It moved way to fast for a satellite and too slow for a meteor. It flew between Glennallen and Mt. St. Elias National Park parallel to the Copper River. View Report

UFO Report #: 764
January 13, 2023 - Chevak, Alaska

Search and rescue hasty team was activated to a distress signal, a blinking light approx 5 miles below village. Numerous eye witnesses saw the blinking light shoot straight into the sky and disappear. View Report

UFO Report #: 1516
July 4, 2022 - Glacier bay, Alaska

While on an Alaskan Cruise aboard the Princes Cruise Ship at Glacier Bay..I caught something on my phone that was really strange. Looked like some kind of flying entity crossing the Channel behind the ship. Took several pics. Zooming in you can make out a face and trailing behind is another object. Watched it float across the channel wings came in & out of focus as it crossed. Can see its shadow on the water below. From on top of the ship..was too far to make out - looked like a large white dragon fly. - how do you attach a picture. View Report

UFO Report #: 31
May 23, 2021 - Chugiak, Alaska

Orb seen traveling E to W south of N Birchwood maybe 1000ft altitude seemed to wobble slowly disappeared into thin air as entering very small wispy cloud in otherwise clear sky View Report

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